tMail™ Trusted Mail

Works like email. Looks like email. But messages send privately through ICN — with no file-size limits on attachments.

Ready to insulate your data against cybercrime and malware?


Email is neither private nor safe. Why? Because it was never designed to be either. tMail is built from the ground up to be both.

Email was one of the first uses of the Internet. It is an open protocol which is completely insecure. Junk mail (a.k.a. “spam”) became endemic in the late 1990’s as Internet access exploded.

It is still a primary means of infecting computer systems with malicious code and stealing high-value information. One common cybercrime tactic, “phishing” and “spear-phishing” attempts to trick email recipients into divulging passwords, stealing money, or other information for criminal purposes. Another common tactic, “spoofing”, presents the recipient with a false email disguised to appear as though it is from an entirely legitimate sender. Recipients are often tricked into clicking on an infectious hyperlink or a malicious file attachment.

Cybercriminals frequently use email “sniffing” software on the web and can capture about 60% of your email this way. This malware “sniffs” or finds your email address, copies it, and sends a copy to the cybercriminal. When it reaches your inbox or someone else’s, the criminal has your email including all attachments. And you won’t know it.

ICN’s tMail application (short for Trusted Mail), wherein tMails are transmitted through the IC IOS and never touch email or web servers on the open internet. Your tMail messages, both sent and received, remain completely private between sender and receiver. You know that your messages have not been copied, analyzed and collected, and that only you and your correspondents have the messages. Unlike open email, there are no file size requirements with attachments. Want to send a 4 GB attachment? No problem.

tMail enables "clear computing," far above the security flaws of the cloud.